
[카타르] 김종용 대사/Al-Raya Newspaper/인터뷰

Korean Ambassador Kim:
Affirming his Country''''s Foreign Relations Balance

김종용 주카타르대사, 2008.12.20(토), Al-Raya Newspaper 

1. 기사 주요 내용
 o 한-카타르 관계 및 국제금융위기의 영향 등에 대해 우리 입장

2. 기사 영문 번역본

 Korean Ambassador Kim:
Affirming his Country''''s Foreign Relations Balance

Qatar-Korea Political Relation Very Strong, Economic Ties Standard, Equal

H.E. Jong-yong Kim, Korean Ambassador to Doha, has described the Korean-Qatari relations as strong and developing in different fields, expressing his eagerness for these relations to reach the highest level in the forthcoming stage.

He reiterated that the political relations between the two friendly countries are just strong and had reached its optimum by the visit of H.H. the Emir to Korea in 1999 and H.E. the Korean President to Qatar in 2007. These relations are continuing and their levels are anticipated to increase in the near future.

He said that the Korean-Qatari economic ties are standard and based on win-to-win policy. They orchestrate with both the countries'''' and nations interests. 

In an interview done by Al-Raya Diplomacy, these spotlights were shed on the nature of the political, economic, and other Korea-Qatar relations. Furthermore, it tackled the political and economic consequences witnessed on the international arena and pushed the situation to the slide edge in light of the international financial crisis which hit north and south, however, in different degrees. Let''''s move to the interview:

Korea the Largest Qatar Gas Importer, We Bring 8 Million Tons in Annually

1- First, would you, Mr. Ambassador, kindly give us an idea, in figures, about the nature of Korea-Qatar relations?
- - As a matter of fact, the relations between the two countries are moving towards the zenith as I have earlier said. They are just strong in the political field and standard and distinguished in the economic area. We expect them to reach the highest levels in the near future. In this sense, it is to mention that Korea is the largest Qatar Liquefied Gas (LNG) importer, as Korea imports 8 million tones per annum.

2- What is the volume of trade exchange between Korea and Qatar?

- The trade exchange is boosting increasingly in regular base. It increased to 12 billion dollars a year. Korea imports from Qatar in an amount of 905 billion dollars and exports for 2 billion dollars. This means that the ratio of our imports from Qataris is weigh more than our exports. 

3- What are the most famous Korean exports to Qatar?

- We provide the giant LNG carriers to Qatar to assist the exportation of the Qatari gas and there are automobile exports, too.

4- Are there cultural relations and what are their levels?
- As per our cultural exchange, it has not reached the same level as the political and economic relations do. The Qataris'''' visits to Korea are still a few in comparison to their visits to European countries and America. We hope it hits the desired level in the upcoming years and wish to activate the Qataris'''' visit to sightsee the Korean tourist sites.

5- What are the reasons that you attribute this weak tourism to?
- As a matter of fact the Arab people, as a whole, have not gotten acquainted with Korean culture. It is attributed to the fact that the openness is focused on the European and American culture. We hope that the Qataris work on increasing the cultural exchange with Korea through increasing the Qatari visit and seeing the Korean culture.

6- Are there any practical steps paced by your side in this end?
- Yes, Korea-Arab Society was launched last May and it is based in Seoul. Last month''''s event titled as, "Korea Arab Friendship Caravan" was its first activity since its establishment. It commenced its trip though the Arabian Gulf countries from Doha and to Maghrib countries from Algiers. During which, cultural shows in Souq Wagif and Diplomatic Club were staged. Those were under the frame of Korean-Arab cultural interchangeability. His Excellency also talked about Qatar Islamic Museum, as its contents reflect deep-rooted civilization implications. It shows the old and modern civilizations. The museum is a mutual cultural matching point that presents the cultures and the civilizations of both sides.

7- What is new in Qatar-Korea relations?
- I am currently working on laying the foundation for the relations in the medical field. In this context, I would like to draw the attention of the Arab students that medicine studies in Korea are distinctive. There are medical specializations which are the best in the world. We call the Qatari and Arab students to go to Korea to receive their medical studies. Citing an example, the backbone operation which takes four months in Europe does not take longer than a month in Korea.
8-How do describe your country''''s relation with Arab world?

- Our relations with all Arab countries regardless of their tendencies are good and friendly.

9- Some countries do not have good relations with Washington whose policies have impacts on your country since Korea is one of its strategic allies. How do you deal with such countries?
- The fact is that we assess our relations according to our country''''s and people''''s interest. We are not influenced by the American and the European policies to the limit that these policies determine the nature of our relations with the countries in the Arab world. 

10- It is a true that Korea is a manufacturing country. To which extend did the world financial crisis impact you?

- There is no doubt that the whole world has been influenced by the financial crisis. It is a relatively question. We have not been as badly affected as many countries in the world have been. It has impact on the security market, bourse. The reason why Korea has not been badly affected is because we had an already established plan to encounter the internal and external market fluctuation and a mechanism for overcoming the crises in general. 

11- In your opinion, what is the way out of this crisis?
- First, one of the most important bases to encounter the crisis and bring it to a standstill lies in the practical implementation of Doha Declaration on the ground and the commitment of the most developed countries to their pledges. Second, Europe and the United States should preserve trade and follow up Doha round.

12- As a diplomat with long inning in the diplomatic field. How do you read the international co-operation in light of the diplomatic change and implications?

- The international relations are unpaved ways. Normally, there are hurdles and disputes in different areas of the world. Nevertheless, things will take the right path eventually. By nature, it is not possible to keep on walking in a dark tunnel and mine fields. All should consolidate to avoid the setback of the mankind relations. We in Korea, as part of this world, should deal with every each part of this world, talk to it, constantly work on backing the positive trends, as well as pertaining the issues in the right path.

13-You share North Korea a common language, one land, and a common trait. Do you see the state of dispute and separation staying infinitely? Are you as a diplomat with two Koreas unity?

- Yes, I am with unity of the two Koreas. It is not me only. All the Koreans from the two sides are with this trend. We wish to see this come into truth in the near future. The two Koreas may unite because this split is for none of our countries'''' and peoples'''' sake. I want to say here that the separation was not made by our own determination. It is the leftover of the cold war which we eagerly wish to go forever.

14- It is noticeable that the Korean-Japanese relations have some reluctance. What is new in these relations?
If there is any reluctance or differences with any of the neighboring countries, it is something natural and normal. Normally, this even happens among one family''''s members.

15- Let''''s go back to the American-Korean relations and how much is Korea influenced by Washington''''s policy. How do you deal with the issues of the Islamic and Arab worlds? For example, How do you deal with the Palestinian issue in which Washington usually supports the Israeli side and ignore the Arab rights to some extend?

- I would like to say that as you consider what is taking place in this region, you would see many tragic scenes and human sufferings that nobody can endure. We cannot just pass by them. In Palestine, there is a nation that daily suffers and leads the worst life conditions. It lacks the basic needs of the humanitarian life. Hence, we are in Korea concerned about this question and interact with this under-siege nation. We understand how big its misery is.  We advocate supporting and assisting it to get out of this bitterly life and putting an end to its agony, suffer, and the rigid siege imposed on Gaza. I want to say that we should not be standstill and the whole international community should act to assisting this helpless people which suffer the worst humanitarian life conditions. This situation should not be endless and we should not take the non-responsible stance which watch from distance the pains of this nation and see it suffering from the siege.  In this context, I would like to comment on the last part of the question related to the American favoritism in its support to the Israeli side against the Arab Palestinian side. This is attributed to the fact that the American Administration is influenced by the Zionist lobby in different dialogues.